Most people have trapped emotions- emotional baggage from emotions that we had trouble processing at the time we experienced them. Trapped emotions are separate emotions from various times in our lives that get stuck in our energy field.
A Heart Wall is built one emotion at a time from a series of emotions that become trapped at a time when we are trying to protect our heart from pain and heartache. They accumulate over time to wall us off and protect us from getting hurt.
Though the original intent was often protective, over time, as more and more emotions accumulate the result can be that we wall off our hearts in such a way that makes it difficult for us to give and receive love.
The vast majority of people do seem to have a Heart Wall. When we encounter a Heart Wall we can release it but it has to be done one emotion at a time until all of the Heart Wall emotions have been released. This usually takes between two and four sessions depending on how many emotions are contained in the Heart Wall.